Sizzling Summer Specials on Dental Implants & More in NYC
POSTED ON MONDAY, JUNE 17, 2013 AT 10:00 AM by Dr. Mark Stein
New York Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is offering 3 Sizzling Summer Specials! Take advantage of our limited time offer and receive $500 off dental implants in NYC! In preparation for the implant, we are also offering $150 off jawbone grafting!
Additionally, we are offering $200 off wisdom teeth extraction, just in time for your child’s summer vacation! For more information, click here.

Dr. Stein and our staff at New York Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Center welcome any questions you may have about summer specials on Dental Implants or wisdom teeth extraction in NYC. Contact our office at 212.888.4760, or request your appointment online today!
Additional Links:
Jawbone Grafting in NY
Dental Implants in NYC
Wisdom Tooth Extraction New York